News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
When PC science and madness meet: Now scientists researching a mental “vaccine” to treat “climate change denial”
They say the truth is stranger than fiction, and in this instance at least, that is exactly right. Because the vast majority of people are rational and don’t believe that human activity is changing weather patterns and warming the planet — after more than four decades of being told planetary devastation from human-caused climatic “change” […]
By JD Heyes
University launches a “hate bias” task force that won’t do anything to prevent “hate” or “bias”
Left-wing extremists who run the vast majority of America’s college campuses don’t have to actually address problems of “hate” or “bias” at their institutions, they just have to declare that they are addressing those problems, implement a couple of feel-good policies, and that’s it: Problem solved. Only, such problems aren’t solved like that, of course, […]
By JD Heyes
Science illiterate Arnold Schwarzenegger calls for “revolution” after Trump exits Paris climate fraud
Once upon a time, former champion bodybuilder, action star and California governor Arnold Schwarzenegger fashioned himself somewhat of a political conservative, eschewing the views of most of his Hollywood friends and co-stars on a variety of issues. Well, something has changed in the man and, frankly, I blame his stint as governor of the state […]
By JD Heyes
Evergreen State College caves in to Alt-Left student mob’s demand for absurd homework exemption
To say that things are out of control on the campus of the uber-Left-wing Evergreen State College in Olympia, Washington, is, frankly, a massive understatement. The situation there has devolved into something so surreal if you wrote down and tried to sell it to Hollywood as a drama no one would take you seriously. Well, […]
By JD Heyes
According to the insane, intolerant Left, WHITE women are not allowed to run burrito shops without being labeled racists
Once upon a time in America, people used to consider imitation the highest form of flattery. The thought was, if somebody thought to mimic something being done by someone else, that was a compliment. Not anymore. Now, imitation is considered an insult and even a form of racism by those on the increasingly insane Left. […]
By JD Heyes
Portland mayor wants to label all opinions he doesn’t agree with “hate speech” and ban them
To the Alt-Left authoritarian Nazis who run most of the country’s larger cities, the Founding Fathers, the U.S. Supreme Court and every American who truly believes the Constitution applies to everyone equally have a message for you: Please leave America. You don’t belong here anymore, if you ever did. That includes the toadie mayor of Portland, Oregon, […]
By JD Heyes
Americans have more to fear from Trump Derangement Syndrome than terrorism in the foreseeable future
Once again we were all reminded of the global terrorist threat we face after watching coverage and reading news stories about the horrific ISIS-affiliated attack at a concert venue in Manchester, England, this past week, in which children and young adults, as well as parents, were injured, maimed and killed. There’s no doubt that Europe […]
By JD Heyes
Political unrest and turmoil is here to stay – here’s what you can do to be prepared for what’s coming
Today on most of America’s college campuses, Marxist professors are hard at work indoctrinating, not educating. They are teaching generations of young Americans Alt-Left political ideology that, quite frankly, is not compatible with constitutional republicanism, the bedrock of representative government. These Left-wing pretend “academics” are especially exercised over the election of Donald J. Trump to […]
By JD Heyes
Not even kidding: College will require “Abolition of Whiteness” course for political science majors
Many once-fine institutions for higher learning in America are slowly but very steadily being transformed from educational facilities to cultural revolution centers aimed at destroying traditional American principles, values and mores. How else can you possibly explain this outrage: Requiring political science majors to take and pass a course called “Abolition of Whiteness” that is […]
By JD Heyes
Mark Zuckerburg just called for a communist economic system where everybody gets a “universal basic income” whether they work or not
One of the biggest hypocrisies never discussed or even mentioned by the disgusting, discredited “mainstream” media is the stark contrast between how uber-wealthy Leftists made their money versus the economic system they seek to impose on the rest of us. Take Facebook founder and billionaire Mark Zuckerberg, who the media continues to take seriously just […]
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