News & Articles By Mike Adams
By Mike Adams
The one simple message every crybaby snowflake needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default
Every mature person in America is fed up with all the “snowflake” crybullies, whiners and “faux outrage” activists screaming and protesting on cue with blind obedience. So today, I’ve released a message that every “snowflake” needs to hear: NO, you are not special by default. You are not remarkable simply for existing. There’s nothing whatsoever […]
By Mike Adams
Donald Trump the last President of these “United” States? America may fracture and descend into civil war
Due in large part to the incessant lying and deliberate false reporting of the “fakestream” media, the United States of America is now precariously close to descending into armed revolt and a new civil war. While President Trump is doing exactly what’s needed to protect America, root out the deep corruption of the bureaucracy and […]
By Mike Adams
“Muslim ban” a total lie… fact-less media gins up mass hysteria among left-wing zombie trolls… America now a “mob-ocracy”
This may come as a shock to anyone stupid enough to still believe the lying left-wing media, but there is no Muslim ban in America. President Trump‘s executive orders, signed last Friday, are only a temporary halting of immigrants and refugees from seven countries with strong ties to international terrorism. None of those seven countries […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger dismantles identity politics and reveals why “you have no right to not be offended” in latest uncensored podcasts
If you’re not listening to my podcasts via iTunes or, you’re missing out on some of the best podcast commentary I’ve ever released. Click here for the Health Ranger Report podcast on iTunes. My Vimeo channel is And my YouTube channel is Here are three of my most recent podcasts on the […]
By Mike Adams
Political Darwinism explains why Leftist ideology is rapidly going extinct… failed ideas are weeded out while natural competition produces winners (and losers)
My newest video commentary explains the topic of “Political Darwinism,” which explains why the political Left is rapidly going extinct. Not only do their ideas not work, but they are so weak, pathetic and fragile that they cannot compete with winners in the survival of the fittest competitions on the political ideology spectrum. Click here […]
By Mike Adams
Goodbye, Obama, you “sleeper cell” traitor and enemy of America… (you won’t be missed)
For the first time I can remember, we now have a nation led by a President who answers to the people, not the corporate lobbyists and special interests. He’s already clobbered the TPP, for example, and there’s much more to come. “What truly matters is not which party controls our government, but whether our government […]
By Mike Adams
The ten false fears of the unhinged left that have transformed once-productive citizens into quivering mounds of Trump-a-noia
Like many Americans, I’ve watch the bizarre anti-Trump “women’s march” events and wildly dishonest media coverage over the last few days with a sense of amusement. What’s remarkable about everything being voiced by the unhinged left these days is that none of it has any basis in fact or reason. The “war on women” doesn’t […]
By Mike Adams
Why the truth is vilified (and lies are celebrated) everywhere across our twisted society
Have you noticed how people who tell the truth are vilified by pop culture and the media while those who lie and deceive are routinely celebrated? Almost without exception, those individuals who are celebrated by mainstream media and pop culture are the most deceptive, destructive and dishonest people in society. At the same time, anyone […]
By Mike Adams
Health Ranger exposes chemical violence of mercury vaccines: The “war on children” must be stopped
The CDC is a criminal operation that preys upon innocent children using fraudulent science. The “Vaccine Holocaust,” as it is sometimes called, is a deliberate and widespread assault on children using chemical violence. This war on children must be brought to an end in the name of compassion, sanity and legitimate science (not the fraudulent […]
By Mike Adams
Anti-Trump leftists caught on video plotting inauguration terrorist acts, chemical attacks and mass violence… weapons cache discovered with guns and ammo
Thanks to yet another stunning example of video journalism by James O’Keefe at Project Veritas, Anti-Trump leftists have been caught on video plotting ways to unleash chemical attacks and other acts of terrorism on large groups of innocent citizens on Inauguration Day. In addition, a large cache of weapons and ammunition has been found being […]
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